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Friday, April 1, 2016

Update 34 Weeks

Today was the day my mom was supposed to come so that she could be here for my scheduled c-section on Sunday, the day Beckland and I turned 34 weeks!
Beck had other ideas of when he should enter this world and we were happy to meet him earlier than expected. Here are some updates...

* Beckland came off all assistance in breathing last Thursday. He lasted 5 days before needing more assistance. He is back on a nasal cannula at low flow with oxygen around 24%. This is totally normal for a baby that had as rough of a start as he did. He is still learning how to breathe and make everything work. He is still young and growing.

* He is now 5 pounds 5 ounces. He gains around 40-50 grams a day now! BIG boy growing :)

* We have started the grueling journey of breastfeeding. Beck still is learning how to breathe, suck and swallow all at the same time. Some times he forgets to do some of those things resulting in not breathing or choking. SCARY stuff. Because he couldn't eat for the first week of his life and because of how small he is, I make a lot more milk than he needs. So we are trying to pump and breastfeed all in one sitting. The whole process takes a little over an hour to do. But, we have to do this every three hours. It makes for LONG days and nights. Trying to be patient with each other and learn together how to do this.

*Because Beck is starting to learn how to feed, I, Amy, am here permanently now. Which also puts a new exhaustion on this process. Before(really, I have only done it twice) I would escape home for a night or two of rest on the weekends while Jake was here with Beck. I already hate this hospital and now I have to voluntarily be here. It's harder than I thought.

*Mason is having the time of his life living with Papa and Gogo(my parents) for a few weeks. He plays with marbles, perfecting his balance bike with the neighbor boys, going to many different parks, easter egg hunts, and pools! Have I mentioned how wonderful our families have been?!! It wouldn't be possible to do what we are doing if we didn't have our families.

That's it for now! There is no talk of future plans or what the future looks like for us. We take it day by day. We have daily meetings with doctors to talk about plans and goals for the day. It really is up to Beckland. He steers the ship with how much progress he makes and where we go! I also wanted to let you all in on a  choice that Jake and I had made way back to right before Mason was born. We had  and still choose to not post any pictures of our kiddos on social media or the internet. We do it out of safety and we like the idea of letting them, when they are adults, choose to what extent they want their lives played out on social media and the internet to be. They would get to choose what pictures they want out there. So, because of that choice we won't be posting any pictures of Beckland on here. If you do want a picture of him, or Mason, feel free to contact Jake or I and we would LOVE to show you our beautiful boys( people say Beck looks like Mason but I don't see it yet):)

From room 80,


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