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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How Great Thou Art

When I was being rushed to the OR for delivery I was by myself. Jake and I left each other in room 609. He had to get dressed and a nurse would come get him when they were ready for him. They told him, it would happen rather quickly so be ready sooner than later. We were reunited, what seemed like an eternity, later when just a short 30 seconds later Beckland entered this world. As planned, Jake left quickly with Beck down to NICU and left me on the OR table again by myself. Jake's sister, Jess, had also been prepped and ready to come in as soon as Jake left so someone would be with me while Jake stayed with Beck. In actual time, it probably was around two or three minutes until Jess got to my hand that was looking for a squeeze. In Amy time, it was waaay too long. I was lonely, overly scared of C-Sections( especially when I deliver so quickly and easily vaginally), and in desperate need of comfort. When all of a sudden I started singing, OUT LOUD! haha Hymns and scripture have a funny way of bubbling out of you when you don't know what else to say or do. I'm not sure who all was listening and frankly, I didn't care.  "O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder. Consider all the worlds thy hands have made. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul( I was really belting it here) My Savior God, to Thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee,  how great thou art, how great thou art! " and then Jess came in :)

In the past 13 days that song has sprung into my head numerous times. I have sat down to write an update blog two or three times now and just can't seem to find the right flow or theme. So, I am going to do some bullet points of updates and then leave you with a link to listen to this hymn.

*Beck weighs 4lb and 8 oz. He lost A LOT of weight after coming out due to not being able to eat. Now that other organs are working properly he can start having my milk and added calories through a fortified milk they add to my milk. He has gained weight everyday for the past week and now has finally surpassed his birth weight.

*He is still doing great breathing on just his nasal cannula. He still is on high flow of 2 liters per minute with hopes of going down to 1 tomorrow. This is the most impressive stat yet! He is breathing room air temp and pressure and will get to come out of his isolate tomorrow if he continues to do well today.

* At midnight last night his last port through his belly button came out. He is now port free. No IV's anywhere. Let's pray it stays that way!  Because that UVC came out,  he can have a bath and we can now dress him!!!! That is one of two big milestones today. If he can regulate his body temperature with clothes on, then the isolate comes off!

*He is getting 35 mL of breast milk every three hours. I have been able to pump and provide all that he needs in that area. Because he is now breathing at  2 liters, we can put him to a dry breast (after I pump) to start teaching him how to feed from me. We are praying that he can be exclusively breast fed. From the doctor's rounds this morning, it seems like practicing at a dry breast will get to happen today!! This is the other big milestone.

* I am starting to feel a little stronger every day. The more I can rest and sleep and better I get. I have a follow up today with my doctor and a follow up in two weeks with the neurologist about my TIA. I am staying with Beck during the week and then Jake comes on the weekends so I can get some rest.

* Beck's bilirubin is still a tad high at 8.2. We are hoping his SIX poops yesterday will help bring that number down. He will get his number tested again tomorrow morning. Praying he doesn't have to go back on the UV lights.

* He will turn 2 weeks old tomorrow and we are all awed (doctors and nurses included) at how well he is doing. Many are calling him the miracle baby. I would concur!! Praise the Lord!!

I think that is about it for updates on Beckland~ More to come later.

As we reflect this Holy week on the meaning of what happened, I want to leave you with a link to listen to this hymn so you too can not only sing God's praises along with us about Beck, but also sing his praises for Christ is Lord and He is risen and coming again!!  

 He is Risen,

Amy Joy

PS. Jake and I LOVE the last verse

When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration
And then proclaim, MY GOD HOW GREAT THOU ART!

We cannot wait to be before our Lord proclaiming this alongside our whole tribe that is already up there!

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