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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Work up #1

What day is it?!

The last day I woke up on was Sunday, February 28th, and I haven't had a night's sleep yet. 

Sunday was a GREAT day. Jake and Mason were here. We went outside in mommy's strollar (a wheelchair) and went on a great walk. Mason just wanted to snuggle me in my hospital bed all day, with  breaks to sit up and kiss, hug, and ugha-mugga his baby brother. Jake took us on a date to the cafe for hot chocolate. It was medicine for my soul. 

Shortly after they left, I passed what seemed to be another pretty big blood clot. All was well for the next few hours until I was getting ready for bed. I couldn't stop bleeding. SOUND THE ALARMS. One of the signs of great infection and need for delivery. Jake turned right back around after dropping Mason off and headed back down. After some very quick exams, I was getting worked up for delivery. An ultrasound was done, still breech. An IV was started for Magnesium Sulfate (something given for neuro-protection for baby boy), vital signs being taken every 15 minutes for magnesium, blood work, a rescue dose of steroids given for baby's lungs, no food or drink,  and continuous monitoring started. Magnesium puts my body straight into a perpetual state of hot flashes and the foggiest of minds. I guess it was a sight to remember. Nurses holding my hands, doctors reassuring me of all that I know(Same doctors that delivered Hailey), people telling me the side effects of all that was being pumped into my body(things I remembered all too quickly from when this happened with Hailey). When all of a sudden I guess I said rather loudly " NO! I CAN'T HAVE A LEAP DAY BABY! THIS BABY NEEDS A BIRTHDAY EVERY YEAR!". hahaha. Like I said " I was in a pretty foggy state of mind. 

Contractions started shortly after midnight. Baby started to react negatively to contractions early Monday morning. His heart rate would go down for an extended period of time after a contraction. By Monday noon, bleeding had stopped. Contractions and drop of heart rate didn't. I needed one more shot of steroids for his lungs Monday night at 10:30 for a successful completion of correct dose.      They let me start eating and drinking again sometime Monday afternoon. I received the shot and settled in for another sleepless night of monitoring baby's heart rate and contractions.  Praise the Lord, I only had two contractions last night and his heart seemed to be recovering well. 

After 35 straight hours of being "worked-up" I was finally disconnected from magnesium, and monitoring was changed back to twice a day for twenty minutes. As long as I don't feel any more contractions or start bleeding again. That happened at 8am this morning. So I got to sleep from 10-1 today un-intorrupted. GLORIOUS!  I just had a full meal and have grand plans of a shower and more sleep. Hoping for a restful night of sleep tonight. 

Our emotions go everywhere after this. It is so easy for us to jump back to last time and think about how after my first work up with Hailey, she made her grand entrance about a week later. Of course, I had about six work ups with her within that week. So, it makes our mind race with questions. Will this baby be here within the next week? Is this a sign my body tells me every time? Do I have enough strength to go through work ups again? How many work ups will there may be this time? 

As we think about the pending birth of this boy we are once again brought to our knees before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We echo John the Baptist when he says "Jesus must become greater and I must decrease". With every question that we have, no matter the weight of it. Will this boy meet Mason or Hailey first? or Can I make it to the sink to brush my teeth?  We are ever reminded that our purpose on this earth is to bring and participate in His kingdom here.  We MUST decrease so that Jesus can become greater and shine through. We  must rest, be gentle, have trust and be peaceful so that He can do His work in us and through all of us as a family. 

With heavy eyes and hearts, 

Amy and Jake


  1. Amy and Jake,
    There are no human words with which to respond to your journey without water. I can hear the words to an old hymn running through my head:

    God moves in a mysterious way
    His wonders to perform,
    He plants His footsteps on the sea,
    and rides upon the storm.

    Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
    The clouds ye so much dread
    Are big with mercy and shall break
    With blessings on your head.

    To close - read from Isaiah 41:8-10, 43:2, 44:1-5
    May you find refreshment for your souls today from He who is the Creator and Sustainer of all life, and from whom flow streams of Living Water. Rest in the green pastures and drink from the quiet streams.

    Open the heavens,
    Come, Living Water
    All my fountains are in You
    Strong like a river,
    Your love is running through
    all my fountains are in You.

    Come one and rain down on us, rain down on us Lord
    Come on and rain down on us, Lord

  2. From OUR DAILY BREAD yesterday. This touched my heart and reminded me that you are waiting and resting in God's love and grace as well.

    I trust this will be an encouragement to both of you.


  3. From OUR DAILY BREAD yesterday. This touched my heart and reminded me that you are waiting and resting in God's love and grace as well.

    I trust this will be an encouragement to both of you.

