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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Super Tuesday

Monday we had found out that we were not eligible for any housing while Beck was in the NICU. Most of the day was spent networking and praying. We were given many leads and are waiting back to hear from one that is very promising! Praise the Lord! It is a church that is a few blocks away from the hospital. They have housing for interns and have an open space for us.

Here comes our super Tuesday:
Early wake up call at 5:00 am to find out I am getting discharged!! After days of tests on, and two rounds of iron through an IV, a final diagnosis of what happened to me was a TIA (Transient ischemic attack)  I had symptoms of a mini-stroke due to the lack of oxygenated blood able to get to my brain due to the amount of blood I lost in surgery. After the IV treatments, clear tests, and some nice drugs I am on the road to recovery(although the road seem like a million marathon stacked on top of each other)!

Shortly after discharge we found out the day Beck had in front of him. The doctors had decided that it was time to extubated him. Take out the tube that has been keeping him alive and breathing?!!! WASN'T IT TOO EARLY FOR THAT?!! The doctors assured us that they could put it right back in if need be. They had decided to take away the JET machine( high frequency ventilator) and try to see if he could breathe on other devises. They would start with a nasal cannula and go from there. The time came for them to take it out. They needed help to hold his hands and feet calm while they pulled it out. Any chance to touch Beckland made Jake and I excited! With both excited and terrified tears in our eyes they pulled the tube out and we got to hear our sweet boy cry and scream for the first time! It was the sweetest symphony we had ever heard. They put the nasal cannula in and he was having a hard time getting settled down. And then these words were floating in the air : "LET'S PUT HIM ON MOM AND SEE IF HE CALMS DOWN". Wait....what?!! say that again?!!! It was happening to fast for it to sink in.  They had me changed in a gown and sitting in a chair before I could even let those words settle in. I was going to get to hold him?! Within a couple minutes Beckland melted right into me and tears were streaming down, like the flood gates were opened. I never thought I would ever get to hold another live baby there on my chest again, yet, it was happening. We couldn't stop crying...all while our emotions were trying to catch up with the situation the nurse came in for some blood work to see how he was handling breathing just on the nasal cannula.  Within a couple minutes of the blood draw a nurse came back in and said "we are all flabber-gasted. We thought he would be alright off the tube, but no one was expecting him to do this well. In fact, no one know how this is happening. His blood works shows that he is doing better off all the machines than when he was on them." 
YOU GUYS.... do you still believe in miracles? Jake and I got to be apart of one yesterday. It was the first day we sang praises all day instead of pleads. We felt the blessing of being patient for answers being thrown on us. After a couple hours of getting to hold him,  a nurse came in and said Beck was doing so well that if Jake wanted a turn to hold him, he could. MORE TEARS! Let me tell you something. Watching my husband hold his tiny precious son was a glimpse into how the Lord holds us. We "melt" in Him and He, just as emotional as we were, claims us as His own. Beck finished the long day with a new bed and peaceful sleep. 

Today, is just as big of a day for Beck. He just got his chest tube out. There has been no leaking of air for the past three days, so the doctors feel it is time to take it out and see what happens. We pray for stability and for healing. We pray his lung hole closes and no more air flows out, otherwise another surgery and another chest tube. Right after they took it out he fell asleep. We pray for a healing rest right now. Then, maybe some more lovin' and holdin'. 

For now, 


  1. Psalm 117
    The Lord's Faithfulness Endures Forever

    1 Praise the Lord, all nations!
    Extol him, all peoples!
    2 For great is his steadfast love toward us,
    and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
    Praise the Lord!

  2. I don't even have words... Wow! God is SO good!! I'm so excited for you guys that you finally get to hold your sweet little boy and let your emotions flow. :)

  3. So happy for you! I will pray for continued health and healing for Beck and for you. I know being held by you will help him to grow and heal faster and I was so glad to hear that he is being fed your breastmilk. I've read amazing things about how it changes to suit just what your baby needs to develop. :)

  4. So happy for you! I will pray for continued health and healing for Beck and for you. I know being held by you will help him to grow and heal faster and I was so glad to hear that he is being fed your breastmilk. I've read amazing things about how it changes to suit just what your baby needs to develop. :)

  5. So happy for you guys!! What an amazing day!! So glad that you both got to cuddle him!! It's amazing what the sound of your heartbeat does for them. Leita is 4 and she still loves it. We will continue to pray for your family.

  6. Hi Amy, Praise God for your wonderful NICU day. I am the best friend of your cousin Jenna (and Chris). I have been following along on your journey since you were pregnant with Hailey. I have a little gift I'd like to send you. Could you please email me a good address to mail to? michelle0284 at gmail dot com. Or you could send it to Jenna and Chris if you'd be more comfortable. :-) Praying for continued good days.
