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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Beckland Thomas Jansen

*Beckland "Beck" was born yesterday at 1:37 pm
*Amy started contracting and laboring around noon(that is one fast labor)
*Jake made it just in time
*A nurse had to hold Beck inside so they could get Amy to OR for C-Section because of his breech position.
* He weighed 4 lbs. and 5 oz.
* It took them exactly 1 and a half minutes to get him out once they started procedure (YEAH, that is how fast Amy labors)
* Although he looks very healthy, his lungs never developed past the time all fluid was lost.
*His lungs are functioning at a 22 week status.
* He already has been diagnosed with Severe Lung Disease
*He is fighting strong
*He has developed a hole in his lung.
*The leaked air was getting caught right in front of his heart.
*A team of doctors from Children's  came over and did a first ever chest tube insertion right by his breast bone to try and release air from around heart.
*He is back from surgery (took about 2 hours) and is fighting to become "stable" on all machines.
*Because Amy's labor happened so fast, Beckland was much lower than what a typical c-section is(remember a nurse had to hold him in).
*In an effort to get lower the uterine artery was cut and Amy lost too much blood.
*If Amy's number's don't improve soon, a transfusion will be needed.
*Amy's is recovering as well as she can.

In such a deja vu situation, everything is happening that happened with Hailey, we were reminded today from a friend- WE CAN PRAISE JEUSUS FOR HIS PRESENCE AND TRUST HIM.  Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."


  1. Hi Amy,
    My name is Kelli. My husband Benjimon and Jake grew up together in Oak Harbor. This was so beautifully written. We wanted to let you guys know that we are praying for each of you.

  2. Praying for you, Amy! Love you!

  3. Praying for your family. We had twins born into NICU at UW in Seattle, 11 years ago. No matter how much time passes,hearing a story like this takes us instantly back to our journey through this. I pray for healing, strength,wisdom, and a huge amount of faith for your family as you walk this journey together. May the Lord lead the doctors as they tend to your son and wife. It is so much harder to heal, when your child is also needing healing. I gave birth to 5 children, but the twins being born into trauma,made it so much harder to heal.
    There wasn't a second that went by, that we didn't wonder if it would be our last with them. Only God knew their future and we trusted him with it and still do. Our prayers will be with you.
