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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

An Ultrasound Update

I got an ultrasound today and the little man is still growing according to his age! He is guessed to weigh around 2 lb. and 9 oz. (They have a formula they use to guess weight according to the femur length, head size and abdomen circumference). More importantly is the 4.7 centimeters of fluid they found. Which means that he is still producing fluid, a good good sign of lung maturation.  Again, it is so hard to confuse the weight of him with his overall health. I could still have a big 5 lb. baby boy but  because of the lost fluid the development of his lungs could be very poor. There is no way to measure the maturation or health of his lungs, brain, and pulmonary system. We will just have to wait until he is born to see how they are. For now though, we rejoice that he is still safely inside at 27 and 2 weeks and growing like a champ.

My mom is coming back tomorrow. This past weekend I started contracting. The contractions have stopped for the time being, but I still feel pretty weak. It will be so nice to have her here to help!

Specific Prayer Requests:
*Strength for me physically and mentally as I have been here for 5 weeks and hope to go 7 more.
*Baby boy to move to a head down position. He is breech right now. It is much harder for babies to move after the water is gone and they will not aid in trying to flip him with no fluid.
*Proper development and maturation for baby's lungs, brain, and pulmonary system.
* Energy and strength for Jake as he is trying to balance a wife in the hospital two hours away, a son at home, and a full time job.

Love to all,


1 comment:

  1. Hope you're doing well. Big Hugs and continued prayers. .
