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Monday, February 8, 2016


I just had a conversation with my team of doctors recently asking for no more consults. I have had so many social workers, spiritual care guides, etc. come in and try to converse with me about my situation. I know their role is to be supportive and give care in that way however, it is such a blessing to be able to say I don't need them right now. Our team of doctors told us the other day, "Yeah,  I don't know many patients that have it together like you guys do; all the people and community that surround you guys are amazing and it's impressive to watch".

Jake and I feel SO loved by our community and we wanted to give a few shout outs to all the people that make up our community. These are the people that make it possible for us to be here, going through this again.

Our families are AMAZING! Jake's family has taken in another child for the time being(Mason). They are so selfless in giving and providing for him while I am here and Jake is either at work, or down here with me. Jess and Marty come and not only hang out with me, but take home dirty laundry to do and bring it back with a smile:) Scott comes, sits with me while on the monitor, plays games, and takes me on walks to "the cut". My mom not only came to be with me for a week, but her and my dad try to take my mind off of monitoring by facetiming me almost EVERY TIME no one is here to sit with me. Jason pays for delivery when Jake and I are sick of hospital food, and the prayer warriors that we have in our siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents is humbling.

Our church, (Whidbey Grace Community). MAN!!! I don't know if I have the words to describe, but I am going to try. Our church's mission is that we want to make disciples that make disciples. Our Pastor, Andy Mahoney and his wife Audra lead the way in this lifestyle. They set out to take our Lord seriously and obey his teachings in such a practical way, it disciples all who have the privilege of living life with them. And let me tell you something, the motto is in full affect. Whidbey Grace is full of disciples that take Jesus seriously and set out to be the hands and feet of Him on this earth. It is such an HONOR to be a part of a community like this, truly. We cannot tell you how much we feel loved, supported, and prayed over by this community. I have received cards after cards, flowers, gift baskets that are stuffed to the brim with books, magazines, verses, lotion, chocolate, handmade blankets for baby, snacks, socks, coloring books, etc.,  people that check in with me to update prayer requests and send love and comforts of His word, and people that drive all the way down here to sit with me for a few hours, friends that take our son for a few hours, people that drop off dinner for Jake during the week.  All of these things are such a support and comfort.  We feel so blessed to live in a community that recognizes their covenantal role in helping raise a child of God, even a child that is yet to enter this world. THANK YOU GRACE COMMUNITY!!

All of our friends. Friends that take Mason to his music class, friends that come down here and sit with me,  friends that drive all the way down here to bring me a razor, friends that send text messages filled with scripture and love,  friends that send packages filled with such goodies(I get to share a lot of the goodies with my wing mates), and friends that are able to pray for us when Jake and I don't have the words to pray.

To all of you who pray for us, THANK YOU. We get a glimpse of the kingdom when we hear and are told how many of you are praying for us. What a great God we serve! He can hold the whole world and yet know and care for the inners of our hearts. Amazing!!

So, Thank you!! to everyone!! it is because of you that I gain some strength and the doctors notice enough to be able to agree and write in my chart, "no consults needed"!!

We Love you all
 J&A, for Mason and baby boy too.

ps. prayer request for our hearts this week. Thursday marks 26 weeks and 4 days. The exact day I went into labor with Hailey. It will be an emotional week full of memories.


  1. Amen!! God is so good. Hallelujah.

  2. Even going through tough times you share blessings and appreciation so gracefully. Thank you for sharing and allowing us all in to your lives. Continued prayers and hugs to you all.
