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Saturday, May 2, 2015

A lot of information...

Some facts I have learned over the past couple days: 

1. My new residence is University of Washington Medical Center Room SS629
2. The reason for there not being any fluid left in the sac is in fact both of the reasons listed in my previous post. My water did rupture AND my placenta is insufficient. 
3.  Amniotic Fluid is made mostly of the baby's pee. Because, my sac has ruptured, every time the baby pees, I leak. Sorry if that is TMI, I think its fascinating.
4. Babies that are born this young, "micro-premies", are all born not being able to breathe. So every baby has to be resuscitated. 
5. I drink almost two gallons of water a day to try and get this baby as much water and nutrients as I can.  With my placenta being damaged it is harder to get it to baby. 
6. Because there is no fluid, the ultrasound picture is cloudy and pixilated. This means we do not know what we are having. 
7. We have meet the Neonatologist that will be in charge of Baby's care. She reminds me of my Aunt Jan. So small but bursting with gentleness,comfort, and competent in what she is doing. 
8. Jake will get to stay with Baby through everything, even resuscitation. 
9. To get to know baby and the overall health I was ordered a 24-48 hour continuous monitor of baby.  ANY insufficiencies or dips of heartbeat down to 70 BPM, from an average of 150 BPM, are means for an emergency C-section. After 4 hours, doctors were impressed with how baby was doing they STOPPED the monitoring. Saying they didn't need it to be done longer! PRAISE THE LORD!!
10. I now get monitored three times a day for an hour at a time. 
11.  I successfully received my first dose of steroid shots for baby's lung development. Praise!
12. As long as this baby continues to fight and live inside or outside of me, this hospital will become our home until original due date in August. 
13. A day in the womb equals three to four days in the NICU. Subsequently, during week 24, every 12 hours is a significant milestone. 
14. An emergency C-section will happen if I get an infection in the uterus(which is common when there is no fluid), baby is in distress, or if I start hemorrhaging from the placenta insufficiency.
15. We take every day hour by hour. Every Saturday marks another week of gestational age. Today, May 2nd, marks week 24(THE BIG ONE!!!!). 

"...but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14


  1. Great news! Praising the Lord alongside you as we continue to lift baby, you, Jake & Mason up in prayer.

  2. Great news! Praise the Lord!

  3. Amy, Jake, Mason, holding you all in prayer.
    Peace that passes understanding continue to give you strength and hope.

  4. Amy, Jake, Mason, holding you all in prayer.
    Peace that passes understanding continue to give you strength and hope.
