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Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

Mother's Day Weekend
This weekend was really great! On Saturday my doctor's approved going outside for a half hour. So Jake took me out to the canal for a half hour. I got the royal treatment, a wheelchair! It was so glorious to get outside after nine days, smell the fresh air, the water, and everyday people doing everyday activities. We sat there and watched boats go through the canal for a half hour! Later that day Jake asked my nurse if he could do it again and take me on a date to the cafe. She agreed! What a nice date. We got to sit at a table and eat and talk! On Sunday my sister-in-law's drove down Mason. He was so sweet. My heart was overjoyed to see him. He was so concerned for baby. He wanted to listen to the baby's heartbeat and give me medicine. He was absolutely fascinated by the monitoring process. He sat right on the bed with me and intently watched everything going on. After a successful monitoring we got to go to the canal again! We watched big boats and threw a lot of rocks! Mason even got to ride in the wheelchair with me, what a ride!! Baby had a rough monitoring Sunday night again with a few scary dips, but after a couple hours of watching I was released and able to sleep soundly through the night! This morning we are up and at it again. I'm currently one monitor again, seems to be the story of my life here. Jake left this morning to go back home for the week, he will be back up Thursday night, unless needed before then. I have my ultrasound Thursday and another meeting with the neonatologist on Friday. We will be discussing care and changes that will be different than when we met with them previously. I am praying and hoping for a quiet, boring week with no infection or hemorrhages. Praying for healthy growth and maturation in baby for when it is time for his/her entrance into the world. Thank you all for praying with us and again reaching out to Jake and I during this time. We appreciate it so much! 
Another song that has been on repeat is called "139" by Kings Kaleidoscope. 



  1. Happy belated, Mother's Day!! So glad you got to spend it as a family! Even in the midst of a battle, making those sweet memories together. All baby Jansen knows is the love of his mom and dad and the sweet sound of his big brother's voice:) Yes, I just wrote "his" because I am betting it's a another boy. Either way, boy or girl, he/she is already the toughest kid on the very Jansen:)

  2. What a sweet Mothers' Day! Love the action pics of Doc Mason! Praying your prayer concerns along with you....and asking the Lord to give you a very boring Mon-Thurs until your Date you
