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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hailey Joy

*Our sweet Angel Hailey Joy was born this morning at 5:48am.
*Amy started contracting at 3:30 am and was able to deliver naturally.
*She weighed 750 grams (1 lb 6 oz)
*Jake was able to stay with Hailey the whole time.
*She is still fighting for her life right now.
*She has a hole in her right lung.
*Because of the hole she was without oxygen for a half hour and was given breathes for three hours. Her heart stayed beating the whole time during breathes.
*She was unable to exchange gases for those three hours.
*Initial brain ultrasound showed no brain bleeds, but is at a very high risk of one in the first 24 hours of life.
*Waiting for neuro-scan to check brain activity.
*Currently is stable on all machines.
*She has a catheter in.
*She will be getting a PICC line soon because the vein in her umbilical cord is weak.
*Our constant prayer is for comfort, wisdom, and rest in knowing she is being held by her Father in Heaven.
* Amy's placenta did not detached, she was rushed into OR for a D&C.  She is in a recovery room now.


  1. Our prayers are with you and sweet Hailey! We love you all!!

  2. Saying prayers for your family and God's plans.

  3. We are praying for you all- especially little Hailey! Love u!!

  4. Lots of prayers for you and your family! Thank you for taking the time to update us amidst all the madness.

  5. We've been praying all day for you guys!!!

  6. Thank You sweet God, Creator and Sustainer of All Things, for the joy of Hailey's birth and her mom's handy survival. Thank you for the medical personnel and infrastructure that is so skillfully instrumental in doing Your will. Truly we are most blessed in all the earth, and we know it is the result of grace poured out on the people called by Your Name. Through the faith of Abraham we see so clearly how the entire world is blessed. Give Hailey a long, active and rewarding role in Your plan to bless the entire world with The Love that is in Christ Jesus. Bring her home to us strong of mind and body and let her congregation help nurture her into a mighty warrior of Faith. Surely her spirit is strong considering the overcoming she has achieved in her valiant struggle for life. What a contender she will be for the Truth. We are excited, filled with gratitude, thrilled to behold the mercy of Your mighty, healing hand, and we anticipate with joy seeing this addition to our congregation. Thank You, Glorious God. Continue to be with Hailey and Amy's medical ministers. Give the lost amongst them eyes that see and ears that hear of Your Love and Power through this fearsome ordeal Hailey's family is overcoming to Your Glory. Thank you, Jesus.
