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Friday, May 8, 2015

I'll go ahead and cross off weeks 35-40 on the calendar.

I have the joy of having an ultrasound every week. I have had an ultrasound just about every week since week 11. I still get a little giddy think I will get a peak in there, and then am sorely disappointed when I don't really see anything(with the lack of fluid everything is very hard to see, we usually get to see the head and maybe a femur bone). The purpose of the ultrasounds I get is to take a little look at the umbilical cord's blood flow to baby. With part of my placenta not working, it is a good indicator of growth and health of baby. Our ultrasounds was at 7 in the morning so Jake and I were both a little sleepy but perked right up when we saw our baby (haha a blob). The results were good!! Praise the Lord! The blood flow looked good this week! We had a really good conversation with our doctor after the ultrasound about some realistic outcomes of babies born with no fluid, we feel prepared and ready to take it on, we will fight just like our little one is doing! My doctor also said that if baby hangs in there for the long haul, she will not let me go past the week 34 mark. That is when the risks to baby are higher inside of me rather than outside. So the longest I could be here in a bed in nine more weeks! The thought terrifies me, that is a long time!! But I am also thrilled to try and do it for the health of our baby! So my short term goal is 26 weeks and my long term goal is 28 and long long term is 34! One day at a time:)
Some who know me well know I pray through songs often!! So they have asked what songs I have been praying. My go to when heartbeat is low on monitor or when I feel those sweet morning kicks(the kicks I feel from baby hurt because there is no fluid barrier-baby is kicking right into my muscles and bone,OUCH!) is called " A mighty fortress is my God" by Christy Nockles. Other songs that have been my prayer is "It Is Well" by Bethel music, and "I shall not want" by Audrey Assad. I'll list more later:)
Today some good friends stopped by and they brought me huge basket full of goodies and Mother's Day gifts from friends back at home. I even got a card from one of my little preschool kids (melted my heart)What a blessing!!!! Not only being able to chat with friends but also feeling the love of so many. Thank you all who are praying and showing us mad love from all around the world! My sister-in-law just dropped of fresh laundry she did for me, so I am going to go get in some nice clean clothes and order some dinner.
Signing off tonight-


  1. I am a stranger to you, and it occurs to me that I might be making you feel uneasy posting prayers and comments to you. I have attended FRC OH for 17 years, but never had the time to get to know everyone or be involved. I am retired, married, no felonies (heh heh heh). My heart goes out to you, so I wrote in the hopes that it might be good for you in some measure. I feel a real kinship with you because of your heart for Jesus that comes through your excellent writings. I like to write my prayers to people I pray for. There is a place for public prayers, and I do much more time in the prayer closet. But this is like a prayer meeting in your room, and it is my turn to pray, only I'm much more articulate writing than verbalizing. So, if it is not in the least bit unsettling, I will continue in this vein. I will make it a point to introduce myself, though when you bring your family to church one Sunday,

    Father, Your Name is wonderful and You are love. It is so good to have eyes that see You and ears that hear you. These are our most precious gifts along with a heart that knows and loves You. We know that nothing will or can separate us from the love that is in Christ Jesus. I am so thrilled to hear such optimism from Amy and her MDs, truly You are moving mightily to bring this baby into the world where he will give you great glory and praise you forever. Bless these two parents with special, tender companionship. Enfold them in Your love and bless them with a healthy child whom we envision skipping along the path to a happy birth on the pavestones of your miracles. Sweet Jesus, in Your Name we pray.

  2. It was so good to see you guys! We feel honored to be able to stand in faith with you and Jake in this journey. Your honesty and determination to seek The Lord through this is amazing to see. God's grace is all around you your sweet family and it shows on your faces!
    Side note- I did not even think about what the kicks would feel like without the fluid!!?!?! Like sweet little punches to the gut😳. Good thing you're tough, mama!
