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Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Back-Story

When Jake and I found out we would have the joy of bringing another child into this world we were over the moon and both had a sense that there was something bigger going on.

At our first ultrasound we found out that two eggs were released and both fertilized! Something bigger indeed, two babies! However, one had stopped growing a little after 7 weeks and had passed. At 9 weeks I safely passed "Baby B" naturally. However, my bleeding did not stop. After more testing, poking and prodding, we found that there were three babies in there.  "Baby A" had spilt into two embryos (identical twins). "Baby C" never grew past a fetal pole. However, when "Baby C" passed it killed some of the shared placenta with "Baby A" causing a hemorrhage on the back side of the placenta.

I was closely monitored every week. Every week there was a new and different complication, but baby was still growing inside, overcoming ever obstacle. Jake and I have had so many deep conversations in this pregnancy bringing us closer than anytime before. With every complication came new fears, known and unknown. We had to learn and live the talk that we so often claim. We claim that God is sovereign, COMPLETE CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING! Not just some things, but ALL things. He is orchestrating everything perfectly for the purpose of His kingdom. Let me tell you something, it is A LOT harder living this truth day in and day out in a circumstance like this. We had to let go of the idea that this was our baby. This baby has not and will never belong to us. This baby belongs to the Lord, we are just given the opportunity and privilege to raise it, just like Mason. 

At week 21 my exam showed slow growth and no measurable amniotic fluid. There are two common reasons as to why there is no fluid;  1. Either the water broke early, in which case as long as the baby keeps growing it can stay in there for months after an eruption. OR 2. The placenta is damaged to the point of not being able to adequately provide enough nutrition and fluids to the baby to allow the baby to produce any fluid on their own. 

I am learning that my body loves to live outside the norm of most women. We were sent home after the week 21 appointment with this prognosis; Come back in two weeks. If your baby is still growing(even if it may be at a slower progression) and still alive, then we will admit you to the hospital at 24 weeks. 24 weeks is the magic number around here for viability outside the womb. 

So here we are: checked in to our home for the next however long. Along this ride, Jake or I will update using this blog. We'll share little tidbits of information that we get and some truths that fill us with comfort. 

From the very beginning of this pregnancy I had been praying Psalms 1 over this precious baby. Specifically verse 3. It says "He is like a tree planted by a stream of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he propers."

We find so much rest in knowing that the verse is a much larger truth, claimed for this sweet baby,  long before we knew it would be fighting to live without fluid. He or She, whom loves the Lord and is forever changed by living in a relationship with Him is like a tree planted by a stream of water... This baby is a miracle to us so far. Who is already learning to depend on the stream of living water for the purpose of our Lord's kingdom. Whether that is played out with us here on earth or not. 

For now, 

Amy Joy



  1. Praying for you guys! 💖

  2. Thank you for sharing and we are praying

  3. Prayers coming your way! We love all of you.

  4. Praying for you sweet girl!

  5. Your words are so refreshing and nourishing to my soul as I am reminded that God is God. We are joining hands with you in prayer for this journey you are on.

  6. It is good you write so well. Your faith is inspiring. Many more will be blessed than otherwise would, and it gives us an opportunity to come beside you and take this matter to God with you. Father, I praise You for Your wonderous Ways. I thank You that I am in company with such glorious servants as Amy and her prayer friends. Allow me to add my supplication to those of this body. Because You are merciful we can have hope. Because You are loving we can come to you like trusting children. Because you are almighty we come in the confidence that no request is beyond your power to grant, that You give a fig when a fig is asked for. We know you are partial to the little ones. You are a doting father and a mother hen, how you long to protect your chicks, enfolding them under your wings. I pray for Amy and her baby. I pray that our congregation will be seeing Amy's baby among that number that prays with Pastor Matt and follows Miss Elizabeth off to Sunday School like you lead Your lambs to green pastures beside still waters. I praise you and know that this situation will turn out for our good and your glory. Bless the Doctors with wisdom and skill to your glory. Bless the baby with Elijah's strength. Have him gird up his loins and run before the chariot to his momma's arms. I know you know that your child will have excellent care and nurture in the Lord by his parents, grandparents and our whole congregation. Bless us with his presence with us, safely nurtured in the bosom of Your love. In the Name of Jesus I pray with my brother's for this healthy baby and happy mother, two of your greatest delights. Amen.
